He just stared back at me, Yuri’s Schnauzer eyes glinting with hope.

I was just swinging my lens around testing the focus at various lengths. My foot felt something suddenly touching it and I looked down. His eyes seemed to be telling me something important. It was dinner time, and I had clean forgot. His expression though caught me so I slowly slipped the lens back as far as I could, just enough to get his eyes in focus. The. I pressed this capture.

Schnazuer Breed

Originating in Germany during the mid-to-late 19th century, the Miniature Schnauzer is a small dog belonging to the Schnauzer type. It is believed that these dogs may have been developed by selectively breeding the smallest individuals of the Standard Schnauzer or through crosses with smaller breeds like the Affenpinscher, Miniature Pinscher, and Poodles. Farmers aimed to create an efficient ratting dog that was compact in size. Known for their "spunky" yet aloof nature, Miniature Schnauzers exhibit excellent guarding instincts without the inclination to bite, a characteristic often found in other guard dog breeds. Internationally recognized, these dogs come in four distinct colors: solid black, black and silver, salt and pepper, and white.

Best Friends Collection

Embrace the warm presence of our cherished companions, whose boundless love, unwavering loyalty, and unrestrained joy enrich our lives.

Pets, irrespective of their size or species, emerge as some of the most devoted and affectionate companions we can welcome into our hearts. Whether it's the steadfast loyalty of horses and dogs, the endearing affection of cats with their nuzzles and purrs, or the unique expressions of love from smaller creatures like rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, and ferrets—these furry friends seamlessly integrate into our families. Their distinctive personalities and quirks infuse our lives with joy and happiness, creating lasting connections. In their own special ways, these beloved animals offer us unconditional love and affection, often surpassing expectations to demonstrate their deep devotion, a sentiment we joyously celebrate here.


Miss Luna


Horse Love