Sony A1, FE 70-200mm F2.8 GM OSS II, FL: 147mm, S: 1/400s, A: F2.8, ISO: 16,000

The young leopard looks through the savannah grass in the dim light, his tongue flicking at the taste of a good meal.

Vonakala means "light" in Tsonga.

The younger male, eager to learn from his mother, watches intently as she expertly secures their kill high in the branches. His wide eyes, mirrors of curiosity and awe, follow her as she approaches the tree. This is more than just a meal; it's a masterclass in the art of survival. The savannah is a harsh teacher, but the lessons it imparts are invaluable. Today, the adolescent male learns about the importance of securing a kill away from the prying eyes and hungry mouths of scavengers. Hyenas, lions, and even other leopards would not hesitate to claim the prize for themselves.

As the mother leopard begins the arduous task of hoisting the impala up the tree, her movements are precise. Each step, each grasp, is calculated to avoid any misstep that could result in the loss of their precious meal. This is the essence of being a leopard: the solitude, the responsibility, and the ingenuity required to thrive in such a competitive world.

We were privileged witnesses to these intimate moments of wild life. The African savannah, with its endless expanses of grass and sky and the intricate web of life it sustains, is a stage for countless dramas like this one. Each day brings a new story of survival, of victories and defeats played out under the watchful gaze of the sun.

The young male's education is not limited to the physical aspects of survival. Watching his mother, he learns about the determination and resilience needed to overcome the myriad challenges they face. These lessons will be crucial as he grows and eventually sets out on his own. The savannah does not forgive weakness, and every skill his mother imparts is a tool for his future independence.

African Leopard Quick Facts

African leopards are renowned for their adaptability and solitary nature. They hunt a variety of prey, from small mammals to large ungulates, and are skilled at concealing their catches from competitors. Using their powerful muscles and agility, they ascend trees with ease, demonstrating their prowess as arboreal acrobats.

Despite their remarkable abilities, African leopards face threats to their survival. Habitat loss and the illegal wildlife trade pose significant challenges, placing these majestic creatures at risk. The future of the African leopard is uncertain, highlighting the importance of conservation efforts to protect these iconic animals and the ecosystems they inhabit.

Raw Africa Collection

Welcome to Africa - the wise, the restless, the life giving.

This soulful land of dreamers gives rise to the underbelly of a beautiful gentle beat that is only heard by those who listen for it. This photographic journey explores, profiles and captures what I hope is the heart and soul of Africa's true wilderness kingdom. From its deep bush to its dry savannah and desert, Africa remains a place where life is represented by timeless vistas that are distilled into moments to treasure.




Winged Catch